A Higher Being, usually described as an archangel of the order Dominions, Zadkiel is associated with the quality of forgiveness, with the planet Jupiter and the colour violet. His name in Hebrew means 'Righteousness of God'. As Zadkiel is considered "the fount of benevolence and mercy" many authorities believe he was the Angel whose timely intervention prevented the patriarch Abraham from sacrificing his son.
It was also Zadkiel with whom the Raven King quarrelled during the 13th century[31]. Although we cannot now tell what their quarrel was about, it will be remembered that this was the same period in which Uskglass behaved with such unbecoming - and uncharacteristic - cruelty towards young Henry Barbatus. This coarsening of his nature perhaps was an unfortunate effect of his estrangement from Zadkiel; or, alternatively, it may have caused the rupture. One cannot easily imagine an archangel condoning such abhorrent proceedings, however compelling the King's reasons on that occasion may have been.