English magical law
English magical law was originally drawn up in the twelfth century to regulate the large community of magic-performing humans and fairies. In Northern England these crimes were tried by the court of Les Cinque Dragownes (for crimes committed by humans) and Folflures (for crimes committed by fairies); in Southern England, these crimes were addressed in the court of the Petty Dragownes of London [37].
Book-murder was a later addition to magical law, ordering the same punishment for "wilful destruction of a book of magic" as the murder of a human [30].
Evil Tendings concerned "magic with an inherently malevolent purpose" [37].
False Magic concerned one claiming or promising to do magic which one could not or would not do [37].
Malevolent Pedagogy was presumably the act of teaching magic to "unsuitable persons" [37].
Additionally, English magical law addressed the selling of magical items to people who would not know what to do with them, pretensions of being a magician or acting on one's behalf and many other crimes concerning magic [37].