Timeline of the Revival of English Magic
Here is a timeline of events from the period of the Revival of English Magic. See also the Timeline of English Magic for preceding events, or the Post Revival Timeline for subsequent events.
- 6 Jan - Mr Honeyfoot and John Segundus call upon Gilbert Norrell.
- 13 Jan - Learned Society of York Magicians challenges Norrell to do magic.
- 4 Feb - Agreement between Norrell and Learned Society of York Magicians is signed.
- 20 Feb - The stones of York Cathedral are brought to life; the Learned Society of York Magicians accept this as proof Norrell can perform real magic and disband.
- 9 Mar - ‘Appeal to the Friends of English Magic’, written by Segundus, appears in The Times (source: The Raven).
Early Spring
- Norrell travels to London; he receives invitation to Mrs Godestone’s party, where he meets Christopher Drawlight for the first time.
Spring through Summer
- Norrell tours about London, guided by Drawlight and Henry Lascelles.
- Norrell visits Sir Walter Pole; Pole denies any ability to help Norrell.
- Tuesday, a week or so later - Emma Wintertowne dies; she is resurrected (early Wednesday) by Norrell and the gentleman with the thistle-down hair.
- that Thursday - Miss Wintertowne and Sir Walter Pole are married.
- Norrell conjures rain ships to blockade the French ports.
- John Murray proposes the idea of a magical journal to Drawlight and Lascelles; Norrell eventually agrees and accepts Lord Portishead as editor.
- Vinculus recites the prophecy of the Raven King to Norrell.
Other Events of 1807
- A Child's History of the Raven King, by Lord Portishead, is published.
- The idea for Gilbert Norrell to send Napoleon Buonaparte bad dreams is put forward but is unsuccessful.
- Laurence Strange dies; Jonathan Strange inherits his father’s property.
- Some people begin to feel the presence of Lost-hope around Lady Pole.
- The gentleman with the thistle-down hair puts his enchantment on Lady Pole into effect; Stephen Black is also enchanted.
- Twenty-five guineas mysteriously appear in the shop of Black's acquaintance, Mrs Brandy.
- First issue of The Friends of English Magic is published; at this time it is edited by Lord Portishead with heavy interference from Norrell and Henry Lascelles.
- The enchantment of Lady Pole manifests as perpetual melancholy; Norrell confronts the gentleman with the thistle-down hair about this but to no effect.
- The gentleman with the thistle-down hair visits Black at the Peep-o'Day-Boys.
- ~2 Feb - John Childermass visits Vinculus; the two exchange readings of the cards of Marseilles.
- ~16 Feb - Jonathan Strange meets Vinculus; Vinculus recites the prophecy of the Raven King to Strange; Strange decides to become a magician. (Note: there is some uncertainty about how close to one another the following events occur: Vinculus’ visit to Norrell [13], the death of Laurence Strange [14], the meeting of Vinculus and Jonathan Strange [22].)
- Jonathan Strange attempts to summon and learn magic from Miss Maria Absalom (deceased) at the Shadow House; meets John Segundus and Mr Honeyfoot who advise Strange to seek the company of Gilbert Norrell
- First meetings of Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell; Norrell takes Strange as a pupil.
- The gentleman with the thistle-down hair gives an orb, crown and scepter to Stephen Black; re-enactment of throwing children from the belfry of Lost-hope occurs.
- (date speculative) - Jonathan Strange sends nightmares to Alexander, Emperor of Russia.
- mid-month - Arabella Strange meets Lady Pole.
Other Events of 1809
- late year - Quarrel and duel between Lord Castlereagh and Mr Canning leading to the resignation of both from the Government.
- 14 May - Jonathan Strange writes to John Segundus commenting on the popular interest of Londoners for seeing magical visions.
- (date speculative) - Napoleon Buonaparte finds a "magician" with a "magic wardrobe."
- The Admiralty invites Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell to review the Channel Fleet; Strange uses magic to get a ship off a shoal (the usefulness of this maneuver is debated).
Other Events of 1810
- A general of the Horse Guards presents the idea to replace the Cavalry’s horses with unicorns; no success is ever achieved.
- Start of Lord Portishead and Henry Lascelles as joint editors of The Friends of English Magic.
- The proprietors of Vauxhall Gardens offer money to Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell to stage nightly magic shows; Norrell refuses.
- (date speculative) - Idea conceived to send Jonathan Strange to the Peninsula, under Wellington; Gilbert Norrell objects.
- first week - Discussion occurs regarding books Strange would take to the Peninsula.
- a Tuesday - Norrell agrees to let Strange go to Portugal following a discussion (with Henry Lascelles, Christopher Drawlight and John Childermass) concerning the potential auction of the library of the Duke of Roxburghe. (Uncertainty: if this discussion occurs in February, why does Strange bring up books in January?)
- early Feb - Jonathan Strange arrives in Lisbon and meets Wellington. Strange begins offering to do magic, but his offers are denied.
- late Feb - Strange meets Mr Briscall, who gives Strange advice on how to make himself useful.
- mid-month - Strange establishes his usefulness to Wellington with the offer of making roads.
- Clergyman and half-fairy Alessandro Simonelli becomes king of End-Of-All-Hope.
- late Jan - first wife of Vinculus, Nan Purvis, tells John Childermass of Clegg’s hanging; Childermass departs London to track the history of Clegg.
- three weeks later - Childermass returns to London, tells history of Clegg and the Book of the Raven King to Gilbert Norrell, Henry Lascelles and Christopher Drawlight.
- The gentleman with the thistle-down hair tells Stephen Black that Black will become king of England.
- Major Colquhoun Grant captured by the French; Jonathan Strange and a guerrilla band rescue him.
- Auction of the Duke of Roxburghe’s library takes place.
- 22 July - Jonathan Strange begins to use illusions of angels to harass the French.
- 24 July - Strange brings seventeen dead Neapolitans back to life.
- 25 Aug - The dead Neapolitans destroyed by Wellington’s orders.
- An article is printed in The Modern Magician concerning the disappearance of magicians’ houses.
Other Events of 1812
Circulation of The Friends of English Magic is above 13,000.
- (date speculative) - A rumor reaches England that Jonathan Strange has been killed at the battle of Vitoria.
Early Summer
- Strange moves a river, first of several things moved during the war.
- late month - Jonathan Strange returns home to England from the Peninsula.
- Strange rediscovers magic for finding things in Revelations of Thirty-Six Other Worlds, by Paris Ormskirk.
- The Royal Dukes appeal to Strange to look into the King’s madness; the gentleman with the thistle-down hair attempts to capture George III but is thwarted by Strange.
- Stephen Black and the gentleman with the thistle-down hair visit an African town; the gentleman with the thistle-down hair bemoans his loss of George III and tries to devise methods of dealing with Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell
- A portrait of Strange and Norrell is unveiled in Norrell’s library at Hanover Square.
- Deceptions come to light of persons aspiring to learn magic or seeking private commissions for Strange and Norrell to perform magic, culminating in the meeting of Strange and a pair of Nottinghamshire brewers. Christopher Drawlight is ultimately revealed as the culprit.
- Jonathan Strange first travels on the King's Roads
- Christopher Drawlight imprisoned for debt.
Other Events of 1814
- Essay on the Extraordinary Revival of English Magic, &c, by Lord Portishead, is published.
- Jonathan Strange writes a review of Essay on the Extraordinary Revival of English Magic, &c which he publishes anonymously in The Edinburgh Review.
- Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell part company.
- Presumable time of quarrel between Norrell and John Murray and subsequent sale The Friends of English Magic to Longman.
- Jonathan and Arabella Strange depart London for their home in Shropshire.
- end of month - Jonathan Strange arrives in Brussels after Wellington and the British Army
- 15 June - Jonathan Strange temporarily moves the city of Brussels to North America.
- 16 June - Battle at Quatre Bras. Strange prevents arrival of French general by altering terrain
- 18 June - Battle of Waterloo.
- Portrait of Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell is removed from Norrell’s Hanover-square library.
- (date speculative) - News spreads that Strange intends to write a book: The History and Practice of English Magic
- John Segundus begins teaching magic.
- early autumn - Segundus looks at books at Starecross Hall for the father of one of his pupils, meets Mrs Lennox; the two begin plans for a school of magic.
- beginning of month - The gentleman with the thistle-down hair meets with Stephen Black; the two get a piece of moss-oak from a bog in Scotland.
- first week - John Hyde tells Jonathan Strange that he saw Arabella, wearing black, walking along the Dyke between England and Wales.
- early month - John Childermass tells John Segundus the latter must give up his plans for a school of magic.
- mid month? - Henry Woodhope arrives in Shropshire to visit Jonathan and Arabella Strange.
- 20 Dec - John Segundus writes to Jonathan Strange appealing for his support against Gilbert Norrell for the school of magic.
- 26 Dec - Arabella Strange is taken to Lost-hope. A Moss-Oak replica of Arabella Strange wanders in the snow and returns wearing only a black gown. Jonathan Strange is unaware of the switch.
- 28 Dec - The Moss-Oak replica of Arabella Strange "dies".
- 8 Jan - Lady Pole attempts to murder Gilbert Norrell; She is thwarted by John Childermass. Childermass has revelations concerning the nature of magic.
- late month - Lady Pole taken to Starecross Hall. Vinculus recites the prophecy of the Raven King to Stephen Black.
- a few days later - The gentleman with the thistle-down hair explains that the prophecy does not refer to Black.
- Jonathan Strange returns to London.
- First (and only) issue of The Famulus is published.
- John Childermass, sent to see engravings for Jonathan Strange’s book, meets Strange; the two discuss the fate of English Magic.
- Jonathan Strange declares to Sir Walter Pole and Lord Portishead his intent to take on pupils.
- Henry Purfois, William Hadley-Bright, Tom Levy begin magical instruction with Jonathan Strange.
- Strange finishes writing The History and Practice of English Magic, vol. I; he decides to travel abroad.
- The History and Practice of English Magic, vol. I, by Jonathan Strange, is published
- Gilbert Norrell vanishes Strange's book; Lord Portishead leaves Norrell.
- Jonathan Strange meets the Greysteel family.
- Strange and the Greysteel family arrive in Venice; Strange begins trying to summon a fairy.
- end of month - Strange experiments with madness (obtained from Mrs Delgado).
- 1 Dec - Strange successfully summons (and sees) the gentleman with the thistle-down hair.
- 2 Dec - The gentleman with the thistle-down hair consults with Stephen Black concerning Jonathan Strange’s success and resolves to offer Strange a gift. Strange requests an item from the fairy’s last encounter with an English magician and receives a finger. Strange decides to travel to Faerie himself.
- 3 Dec (early morning) - Jonathan Strange discovers that Arabella Strange, Lady Pole and Stephen Black are prisoners of the gentleman with the thistle-down hair; Strange is cursed by he gentleman with the thistle-down hair and imprisoned in Eternal Darkness. Strange begins sending Strange's Venetian letters to Henry Woodhope concerning Arabella.
- 22 Dec - Henry Woodhope consults Gilbert Norrell concerning Jonathan Strange's letters.
- 23 Dec - Henry Lascelles pays Christopher Drawlight's debts, preparatory to sending him to Venice.
- 26 Dec - The Duke of Wellington discusses Jonathan Strange's madness with the Ministers.
- early month - Gilbert Norrell commissioned to find burial place of a young woman; commission later revoked.
- 7 Jan - Norrell attempts to acquire Lord Byron's letters to Scrope Davies by magic
- mid month - The Black Letters is published; expenses are paid by Gilbert Norrell.
- mid month - Christopher Drawlight arrives in Venice; he encounters Jonathan Strange, and receives three messages to take to England.
- mid month - Gilbert Norrell discovers English Magic cannot distinguish between him and Jonathan Strange.
- first week - Jonathan Strange visits Flora Greysteel in Padua, appoints her as gatekeeper for Arabella. A week later, Miss Greysteel pours Strange’s tincture of madness into the sea.
- 9 Feb - Gilbert Norrell is confronted by Lord Liverpool concerning reappearance of magic in England. Henry Lascelles receives letter from Christopher Drawlight, and sets out to meet him.
- 10 Feb - Drawlight tells Lascelles of his meeting with Strange; Lascelles kills Drawlight. Gilbert Norrell sets out to Hurtfew Abbey with Lascelles, John Childermass and servants.
- 11 Feb - Childermass investigates open fairy road; Norrell, et al. arrive at Hurtfew Abbey.
- 14 Feb - Childermass acquires Lady Pole's finger, is dismissed from Norrell’s service. Jonathan Strange arrives at Hurtfew Abbey via the King's Roads.
- 15 Feb - Henry Lascelles and Gilbert Norrell's servants leave Hurtfew Abbey; Lascelles travels into Faery. John Childermass and John Segundus free Lady Pole from the enchantment of the gentleman with the thistle-down hair. The gentleman with the thistle-down hair and Stephen Black hang Vinculus. Gilbert Norrell becomes entrapped in the Pillar of Darkness. The Raven King resurrects and rewrites Vinculus. Black kills the gentleman with the thistle-down hair, thus releasing himself and Arabella from the fairy's enchantment; Black becomes king of Lost-hope.
- early month (date speculative) - The houses of Jonathan Strange and Gilbert Norrell disappear.
- 19 Mar (3rd Wednesday) - The Learned Society of York Magicians reconvenes; John Childermass presents the Raven King’s book, Vinculus.
- Jonathan and Arabella Strange meet in Italy.
- Arabella Strange returns to England; this ends the slander that Jonathan Strange had killed his wife.
For later events, see the Post Revival Timeline.